Monday, August 18, 2008

Classes and how they communicate

I can't find the reference, but I once heard that you can tell the difference between a rich man and a poor man after it rains. A poor man will say "Alright! My car is clean!". I rich man will say "fuck, I have to wash my car again!"

Well, I was walking down the street today and heard a homeless person say "I've been thinking about going to New York." and realized that different classes of people will say different things about traveling, and I'm writing what I think is the breakdown:
1. Lower: I'm thinking about going to New York.
2. Middle: I went to New York and spent a lot of money.
3. Upper Middle: I had to go to New York for work and had a lot of fun.
4. Upper: I was in New York again last week looking at condo's.
5. Extreme Upper: I stopped over in New York for a couple weeks on my way to Europe. You should come to Europe, it's a lot of fun.

I'd be happier if everyone could talk to me like those who are in category 5, but that's how shit works. Every major society in the past advanced like crazy, remained in power, and maintained wealth because of slavery. There is still rampant slavery today (different than America's past) which is similar to Rome and England's respective empires. We have China+, or Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, and Polynesia. Where are the next 3rd world countries that we can exploit? Why is everyone in this country so afraid of China? I have an idea: Stop giving them money by shopping at Walmart and fall off the political map like Canada. If the US gets out of everyone's business, then no one will have any business being in ours and the threat of terrorism will go away. Therefore, I think that the threat of terrorism has a direct and linear correlation with how invasive our country is in foreign affairs.

So, I've decided to cut down my obsessive consumer whorism.


Dave Doolin said...

The Left and the Right are now swinging so far around as to be meeting each other.

Tell us: are you so Left you're Right, or so Right you're Left?

Benry said...

Ha. I must be the so Left that I'm Right. I was a writer for a liberal newspaper in college, and used to get so emotionally worked up over news in Afghanistan and what was starting to happen in Iraq (circa 2002) that I couldn't write or do other homework before I screamed.

Now, I look at people marching and what they believe in, and think to myself "Idiots. They need to take a step back and think about things more objectively before they cry over baby seals." But I'm still very for human rights.

This is one reason why I claim I am a member of the "Logic Party" on my Myspace page. Logic is what I subscribe to, nothing more.