Thursday, September 27, 2007


Last night, I purchased a couple books from Dog Eared Books on Valencia. I've been interested recently in learning about the human brain (because of my interested in a PhD program in neuroscience and neural prostetics), and in learning French (because I'm thinking of moving to France). I purchased my first French dictionary, and started translating a French book that they had for sale. The first sentence on the back of the page is "Insociants amis bachelates!", which (as far as I can tell) translated to "Carefree graduates!" in English. I'm going to keep doing this to learn words, and pronunciations (from the dictionary).

After the book store, I saw the movie Once, which eventually captivated me into oblivion. Music is becoming boring for me. I've listened to all of the genres. I know what it all means. I understand, and I still shiver when I hear a very technical performance live. I think my life has too many other things going on, which is very sad. However, a rekindling due to Oink has begun. I'm concerned with my share ratio, but it doesn't seem to do too bad if you're on albums that people want. I just shared a John Cage album that wasn't up there before, and received Shocking Pinks in return. I like this new stuff...

I think my nerves have been worn down regarding new music since I've been so agitated with our president and congress...that nothing else seems to matter much.

But, we're all going to die someday anyway, right?

1 comment:

Dave Doolin said...

Once... my goodness. All those aching ballads.