Monday, October 22, 2007

Old School Programming

Thanks to JP Calderone in the [Twisted-Python] listserv, I was lead to

Now, I know what you're all saying: "But my computer doesn't even come with a COM port anymore!!!" That's a.) where you're wrong, and b.) where computer manufacturers are wrong. Serial ports used to be the easiest way to communicate with an external device. There may have been some custom protocol to follow (in the case of triggered laser speed detectors from Omron, for example), but normally, you verify the baud rate, data bits, stop bits and parity, plug in your device, and write some simple bitwise code in C or (EEEEK) VB or something similar, and you have a working application.

You're wrong about the serial interface, because when you get down to it, there is potential to hack your MOBO and install a COM connection on an existing port. They exist on your chip, and therefore, you can allocate IRQ, I/O Range and Memory Range for input and output buffers, spoof the Windows kernel (by using a different kernel like Linux or BSD) and tada! You have a hacked COM port.

What can you use it for now? How about communicating with a modem? Or using twisted on two computers to sync data? As long as they're on, you don't have to use the network, so hackers won't be listening. You could use it to populate a media server (it would take a long effing time to populate)...endless possibilities for the average consumer.

1 comment:

Dave Doolin said...

That's some boring code... I can see what it does just glancing at it!